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HEA3 - supporting adults with health and social care needs

HEA3 - Supporting adults with health and social care needs


A health and wellbeing system which provides high quality services and care is vital for Plymouth's population.

Photo by Georg Arthur Pflueger
Photo by CDC
Image Healthy01

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The city will work together to deliver a health and wellbeing system which provides high quality services and care for those who need it by:

  1. Creating the opportunity through integrated services to give people more control over how their health, care and support is provided and ensuring people have a positive experience of the services and care they receive.
  2. Delivering high quality services that meet individual outcomes.
  3. Implementing a system of whole person care which delivers care and support in a way that makes sense to the person in the context of their whole life.
  4. Providing effective services to prevent harm, safeguard adults and ensure they are consulted and treated with dignity and respect.
  5. Supporting carers (unpaid/paid, adult/child) to carry out their caring role and have a full life outside of caring.
  6. Supporting people to manage their condition(s) to reduce their dependence on professional help.


With an increasing and ageing population, and increasing prevalence of long term conditions, there is a need to focus on prevention, integration and person centred care in order to deal with the demand on Plymouth's health and wellbeing system. In 2017/18 there was just short of 59,000 emergency admissions to Derriford Hospital, of which 24,000 were older people. In the same year the number of new clients who requested adult social care support in Plymouth exceeded 10,000, and in excess of 5,500 people and 1,500 carers received a social care assessment. It is predicted that by 2030 there will be more than 59,000 older people in Plymouth in need of an urgent care response and there will be more than 16,000 people living with a with a long term limiting illness ('Projecting Older People Population Information').

In light of this increase, the city needs to enable and assist communities to play a much larger role in supporting people with complex needs to give them choice and greater control over where and how the care they need is delivered.

The health and wellbeing system will promote a population-based comprehensive universal offer, based around the promotion of wellbeing, information and advice and low level preventative services. For people who need or are eligible for health and care services there is a need to continue to ensure those who are most at risk of harm, abuse or neglect are safe as well as helping people to live independently for as long as possible through person-centred support.

The city will build on the integration of health and social care services already achieved, to ensure accessible services where people only have to tell their story once. This enables the delivery of a system which removes barriers to care caused by geographic, regulatory or any other kind of boundary.

Where and how services are delivered is also important. The city will deliver more community based services using technology so that these are embedded in our local neighbourhoods and provide a range of services at locations and times that are convenient for the people. Carers will be recognised and valued and have the support they need to have a full, healthy life of their own.

Adults should be treated with dignity and respect, receive high quality, compassionate care and be safe from abuse and neglect. The city will ensure people are safeguarded from harm through consultation, prevention and by empowering people to make their own choices and decisions. The city will also support and represent people with the greatest need and work in partnership to develop local solutions with individuals and communities. There will be transparency in local safeguarding processes and clear accountability for collaborative decision making.

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