GRO8 - Dealing with flood risk
The Plan helps to manage flood risk to ensure that Plymouth's flood defence, coast protection, drainage and sewerage infrastructure is sustainable and meets the requirements placed upon it by population growth and climate change.
This Policy belongs to
The city will manage risk in association with flooding by:
Working with South West Water, the Environment Agency and other relevant organisations including asset owners to ensure that Plymouth's flood defence, coast protection, drainage and sewerage infrastructure is sustainable and meets the requirements placed upon it by population growth and climate change. Flood defence, water supply, surface water and waste water infrastructure requirements should be put in place in tandem with planned growth to avoid adverse social, economic and environmental impacts.
- Working with the Environment Agency and South West Water to align priorities for the efficient and effective management of tidal, fluvial, surface water and sewer flood risk, and to improve and ensure the effective functioning of the city's sewerage and drainage infrastructure.
- Maintaining an emergency response plan, sufficient to address the risks to life and livelihood from extreme weather events.
- Using planning powers to ensure that development takes place in appropriate locations and with proper regard to flood risk.