At its meeting on 16 December 2019 City Council resolved to ‘Undertake an early review of the Plymouth Plan with city partners in order to ensure that the plan responds to the climate emergency and the commitments set out in the Climate Emergency Action Plan’.
This review was undertaken during 2020 and included a policy by policy assessment, informed by stakeholder and community consultation, to ensure that the Plymouth Plan was aligned to City Council’s pledge to make Plymouth carbon neutral by 2030, a declaration that was agreed unanimously by City Council on 18 March 2019.
Following consultation and review to align the document with the declaration of a climate emergency the City Council at its meeting on 25 January 2021 approved changes to update the Plan.
These changes relate primarily to the carbon neutral city target and embedding this approach throughout the plan particularly through: promoting sustainable transport opportunities; growth of the clean, green economy; reducing emissions in new and existing buildings and waste; and highlighting the importance of the natural and historic environment.
You can view the updated plan on our Plymouth Plan page.
Evaluation of consultation responses
Thank you for all your comments and suggestions in total we received 192 during the consultation from 30 different respondents, including local residents and groups, a range of agencies and organisations, and city partnership boards. Each of these were considered before updating the plan.
Read the response report to this consultation.